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论文题目: Rice domestication influences the composition and function of the rhizosphere bacterial chemotaxis systems
英文论文题目: Rice domestication influences the composition and function of the rhizosphere bacterial chemotaxis systems
第一作者: 孙雨
英文第一作者: Y. Sun
联系作者: 田春杰,Li, Weiqiang,Tran, Lam-Son Phan(非本单位)
英文联系作者: 田春杰,Li, Weiqiang,Tran, Lam-Son Phan(非本单位)
发表年度: 2021

Aims Specific soil bacteria can sense and respond to the selective rhizosphere recruitment of root exudates using unique systems of chemotaxis that mediate plant-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions. This study investigates how the bacterial chemotaxis systems have been impacted by selection during the domestication of rice (Oryza species). Methods Shotgun metagenomic sequencing and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing were performed to investigate the bacterial chemotaxis systems and chemotactic bacteria in the rhizospheres of wild and cultivated rice. Metabolomics analysis was performed to examine the root metabolites of different accessions of rice. Results The bacterial chemotaxis genes exhibited a higher abundance in the rhizospheres of wild rice than cultivated rice, and that the compositional profile of chemotaxis genes was distinctly different between types of rice. Differential selection of chemotaxis systems was at least partially driven by changes in the metabolite profiles of rice roots that were affected by domestication. A core group of chemotactic bacteria was also identified, and specific chemotactic bacteria were found to function as hub taxa in the rhizosphere bacterial community. Conclusion The present study provides novel insights into the composition and function of the bacterial chemotaxis systems in the rhizospheres of wild and domesticated rice. It also provides a new perspective on the impact of rice domestication on the assembly of rhizomicrobiome.


Aims Specific soil bacteria can sense and respond to the selective rhizosphere recruitment of root exudates using unique systems of chemotaxis that mediate plant-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions. This study investigates how the bacterial chemotaxis systems have been impacted by selection during the domestication of rice (Oryza species). Methods Shotgun metagenomic sequencing and 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing were performed to investigate the bacterial chemotaxis systems and chemotactic bacteria in the rhizospheres of wild and cultivated rice. Metabolomics analysis was performed to examine the root metabolites of different accessions of rice. Results The bacterial chemotaxis genes exhibited a higher abundance in the rhizospheres of wild rice than cultivated rice, and that the compositional profile of chemotaxis genes was distinctly different between types of rice. Differential selection of chemotaxis systems was at least partially driven by changes in the metabolite profiles of rice roots that were affected by domestication. A core group of chemotactic bacteria was also identified, and specific chemotactic bacteria were found to function as hub taxa in the rhizosphere bacterial community. Conclusion The present study provides novel insights into the composition and function of the bacterial chemotaxis systems in the rhizospheres of wild and domesticated rice. It also provides a new perspective on the impact of rice domestication on the assembly of rhizomicrobiome.

刊物名称: Plant and Soil
英文刊物名称: Plant and Soil
参与作者: Y. Sun, L. Tian, J. J. Chang, S. H. Shi, J. F. Zhang, H. W. Xie, Y. H. Cai, D. Z. Chen, E. E. Kuramae, J. A. van Veen, W. Q. Li, L. S. P. Tran and C. J. Tian
英文参与作者: Y. Sun, L. Tian, J. J. Chang, S. H. Shi, J. F. Zhang, H. W. Xie, Y. H. Cai, D. Z. Chen, E. E. Kuramae, J. A. van Veen, W. Q. Li, L. S. P. Tran and C. J. Tian
地址:吉林省长春市高新北区盛北大街4888号 邮编:130102
电话: +86 431 85542266 传真: +86 431 85542298  Email: neigae@iga.ac.cn
Copyright(2002-2021)中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所 吉ICP备05002032号-1